The Southern California Bight Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (SCB MBON) provides a complete picture of marine biodiversity in the region. We are developing a widely applicable research model that integrates new information with existing data to improve current research and monitoring programs.
Explore fish biomass, abundance, and somatic production projections under alternative platform decommissioning scenarios
Other SCB MBON Interactive Maps
MBON Data Portal hosts interactive maps using SCB MBON data.
IOOS MBON HomeQuestaGame: Saving live on Earth A mobile app helps you discover, map and contribute to real research and conservation.
Should humans care about boidiversity loss? Smithsionian video illustrates that we don't just impact the web of life, we depend on it.
Dive into worlds within the sea An online game exploring marine ecosystems and how organisms depend on each other.
100 Island Challenge Classical field surveys combined with innovative technologies to illustrate coral reefs and population changes through time.
Interested in research, marine ecology or scientific SCUBA diving? Contact us to involve as a volunteer